We Help Customers Rebuild The Equipment That Run Their Business'

Power Generation:
Turbines, Generators, Boilers, Feed-water pumps, Condensers, Cooling tower speed reducers, Rotating equipment, Traveling water screens

Oil & Gas:
Centrifugal pumps, Special purpose gear units, Compressors, Separators, Shell-and-Tube heat exchangers, Desalters , Compact and Choke valves, Hammer unions, Swivel joints, Frac pumpers, Rotary tables, BOP's, Kelly drives

Air-locks/Blowers, Pumps, Motors, Mixers/Blenders, Viscous flow equipment, Centrifuges, Control valves, Economizers

Pulp & Paper:
Kilns/Dryers, Chippers, Rolls/Rollers, Puverizers, Pulp digesters, Oxidative bleach towers, Impellers, Tumblers, Crushers, PIV units

CNC machinery, Machining centers, Lathes, Mills, Bridgeports, Conveyors, Work-holding tools, Hydraulic Equipment

Wastewater treatment & Utilities:
Flocculator and Clarifier drives, Trash rake, DAF skimmers, Sludge dryers, Gate valves, Underground piercing tools, Filter press'
FMC Engineering provides comprehensive reconditioning, repair/refurbishment, and maintenance on all types of machinery for the Pulp/Paper, Chemical, Petrochemical, Refining, Manufacturing, Food/Beverage and associated industries throughout the US, Canada, Mexico and Abroad. We want to be your primary provider for machinery repair and sales, offering you reliable and efficient solutions to all your problems that may arise from equipment wear and tear, common degradation or malfunction, no matter who the OEM is. FMC Engineering and it's partners also offer an extensive range of on-site services such as scheduled and Preventative Maintenance, Emergency Breakdown Service, Installation, Inspection, Commissioning, Removal and Full Turnkey Projects.
From Aerospace to Automotive, Manufacturing to Machining and just about every industry in-between, our cost-effective machinery repair & support services are tailored to your needs with dedicated Mechanical, Electrical and Software engineers who can provide the best maintenance solution for you!